Winter shouldn’t freeze your fitness goals!
Join us at our exclusive Oakville gym, renowned for its expert trainers and top-notch facilities.
Prepare for a successful return to the road next spring with personalized guidance from our trainers, ensuring a smooth transition into the next season.
Our special program isn’t just about maintenance; it’s designed to help you thrive during the colder months, setting you up for a powerful comeback in spring.
Focus on enhancing key metrics like Watts/kg, Cadence, Strength Endurance, and V02max through a variety of targeted workouts, including intervals, simulated hill climbs, threshold training, and endurance rides.
Our Fall/Winter Season runs from November to March, offering you the perfect opportunity to stay on track and emerge stronger when the warmer weather returns.
Reach out to us at (647) 896-3294 or via email at to learn more and embark on your journey towards winter fitness excellence.